7 Mar. 2008, 1:00-2:15 Torsten Persson, Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm: "Uncertainty, Climate Change and the Global Economy" EPRU seminar
4 Apr. 2008, 1:00 Amedeo Spadaro, Paris School of Economics & Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca: "Optimal taxation, social contract and the four worlds of welfare capitalism" EPRU seminar
16 May 2008, 13:00 Momi Dahan, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: "Social Identity and Voter Turnout". EPRU seminar
23 May 2008, 13:00 Ronald Wendner, University of Graz: "Finite Horizon, Externalities, and Growth". EPRU seminar
23 May 2008, 14:00 Denise Konan, University of Hawaii at Manoa: "The Economics of Climate Change". Department seminar
30 May 2008, 13:00 Jacob Weisdorf, University of Copenhagen: The Simplest Unified Growth Theory EPRU seminar
2 June 2008, 15:00 Marco Battaglini, Princeton University: "Fiscal Policy over the Real Business Cycle: A Positive Theory" Department seminar
4 June 2008, 13:00 Alexander Koch, Royal Holloway, University of London: ”Job Assignments Under Moral Hazard: The Peter Principle Revisited” …
13 June 2008, 3:00 Oded Galor, Brown University: "Diversity and Comparative Development" MEHR seminar
20 June 2008, 11:00 Lars Ljungqvist, Stockholm School of Economics:"The Missing Swedish Skill Premium: Sweden versus the United States 1970-2002"
23 June 2008, 14:00 Roman Frydman, New York University: “Why Macroeconomic Theory Cannot Ignore the Limits to Knowledge” …
25 June 2008, 3:00 Niels Framroze Møller, University of Copenhagen: "Malthus in Co-Integration Space" MEHR seminar
27 June 2008, 13:00 Skatteministeriet, Skatternes Økonomiske Virkning – Analyser ved brug af STØV-modellen EPRU Policy seminar
25 Aug. 2008, 15:00 Andrew Clark, PSE Paris: "Looking for labour market rents with subjective data". Department seminar
2 Sept. 2008, 3:00 Jacob Weisdorf, University of Copenhagen: "Ranking Economic History Journals: A Citation-Based Impact-Factor Analysis" MEHR seminar
5 Sept. 2008, 12:30 Ingmar Schumacher, Catholic University of Louvain: "The Role of Uncertainty and Insurance in Endogenous Climate Change". EPRU Seminar
12 Sept. 2008, 13:00-14:15 Michael Bergman: "Currency Crises and Monetary Policy in an Economy with Credit Constraints: The No Interest Parity Case". EPRU seminar
15 Sept. 2008, 15:00-16:00 Matthew O. Jackson, Stanford University: "An Economic Model of Friendship Formation: Homophily, Minorities and Segregation". Department seminar
18 Sept. 2008, 12:15 Mojgan Stegl, Tubingen University: "‘Tall and Shrinking Muslims, Short and Growing Europeans: The Long-Run Welfare Development of the Middle East, 1850-1980". MEHR seminar
26 Sept. 2008, 13:00 Philipp Schröder, University of Aarhus: "Globalization beyond partitioning". EPRU seminar
29 Sept. 2008, 15:00 Simon Gächter, University of Nottingham: "Kinked Conformism in voluntary cooperation". Department seminar
3 Oct. 2008, 13:00 Niels Johannesen, University of Copenhagen: "Optimal fiscal barriers to international economic integration in the presence of tax havens". EPRU seminar
6 Oct. 2008 Stephen Broadberry, University of Warwick: "Commercialisation, factor prices and technological progress in the transition to modern economic growth: History and Theory". MEHR seminar
16 Oct. 2008, 3:00 Dietrich Vollrath, University of Houston: "Wealth Distribution and the Provision of Public Goods: Evidence from the United States" MEHR seminar
20 Oct. 2008, 15:00-16:00 Antonio Cabrales: "Social Interactions and Spillovers: Incentives, Segregation and Topology". Department seminar
21 Oct. 2008, 12:15 Klas Rönnbäck, University of Gothenburg: "Atlantic sugar in the Baltic economy during the Early Modern period". MEHR seminar
22 Oct. 2008, 11:00-12:00 Miguel Costa-Gomes, University of Aberdeen: "Three-Hour versus Three-Week Long Experiments and Boundedly Rational Behaviour in Games". …
23 Oct. 2008, 3:00 Martin Uebele, Münster University: "World and National Wheat Market Integration in the 19th Century" MEHR seminar
23 Oct. 2008, 3:00 Alice Schoonbroodt, University of Southampton: "Complements versus substitutes and trends in fertility choice in dynastic models" MEHR seminar
24 Oct. 2008, 13:00 Søren Leth-Petersen, University of Copenhagen: “Intertemporal Consumption and Credit Constraints: Does Total Expenditure Respond to an Exogenous Shock to Credit?".
6 Nov. 2008, 15:15 Stephen Broadberry, University of Warwick: "Commercialisation, Factor Prices and Technological Progress in the Transition to Modern Growth". MEHR seminar
21 Nov. 2008, 13:00-14:15 Atef Qureshi, Arbejdsdirektoratet: "The Effect of Punitive Sanctions on the Transition rate from Welfare to Work -An empirical analysis of the Danish labour market". EPRU seminar
28 Nov. 2008, 13:00-14:15 Omer Moav, Hebrew University and Royal Holloway University of London EPRU seminar
5 Dec. 2008, 13:00-14:15 Maria Petrova, New Economic School, Moscow: "Newspapers and Parties: How Advertising Revenues Created an Independent Press”. EPRU seminar
15 Dec. 2008, 14:00-15:00 Martin Kaae Jensen, University of Birmingham: "Aggregate Comparative Statics". Department seminar