Dynamic Effects of Public Expenditure

How to find us

08.45 - 09.00      Coffee and croissants

09.00 - 09.30      Paul Bingley (VIVE): Elasticity of taxable (labor) income: 40 years with excess bunching?

09.30 - 10.00      Maria Juul Hansen (UCPH) and Christian Langholz Carstensen (UCPH): Adjusting the education menu: Conditioning admission rates on labor market performance

10.00 - 10.30    Michael Svarer (AU): Consumption and public sector activities – what is the trade-off?

10.30 - 10.50    Coffee Break

10.50 - 11.20    Maria Juul Hansen and Christian Langholz Carstensen: Settling on Lynetteholm: Effects on house prices, moving patterns and welfare

11.20 - 11.40    Gauthier Lanot (Umeå University): Indirect inference for the elasticity of taxable income

11.40 - 12.00    Kurt Houlberg (VIVE): Dynamic effects of public spending in a multilevel Governance perspective

12.00 - 12.45    Lunch

12.45 - 13.15    Nicolai Kristensen (VIVE): Fiscal balance returns to schooling and the surrogate index in DCDP models

 13.15 - 13.35    Mathilde Almlund (VIVE): Assessing the welfare effects of public expenditures

 13.35 - 13.55    Bertel Schjerning (UCPH) and Fedor Iskhakov (ANU): A dynamic game of marriage, divorce, fertility, labor supply and childcare

18.00 - 20.15    Dinner at Scarpetta (Rantzausgade 7,  2200 Copenhagen N)