Zeuthen Workshop on Cognitive foundations of economic decision-making
This year’s Zeuthen lecturer at the University of Copenhagen is Professor Benjamin Enke (Harvard University). Professor Enke will give three lectures on his work on cognitive information processing on 26-28 May 2025. In connection with the Zeuthen lectures, the Department of Economics and the Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI) at the University of Copenhagen is organizing this workshop on “Cognitive foundations of economic decision-making” on 27-28 May 2025. While the workshop takes place on 27-28 May, we invite participants to arrive on May 26 and attend the first lecture by Professor Enke in the afternoon. Participation is free of charge and includes registration, lunch, refreshments, and a workshop dinner. We cannot cover travel costs.
Call for papers
We invite submission of papers for presentation at the workshop. Submissions by junior researchers are particularly encouraged. We welcome theoretical and empirical papers on the cognitive foundations of economic decision-making. Examples of suitable topics include:
• Biases in belief formation and memory
• Narratives
• Noisy Approximations
• Complexity Aversion
• Comparative Thinking
• Limited attention
Important dates
Submission of paper: 15 January 2025
Notification of acceptance: 31 January 2025
Submission of paper
Please submit your paper via this form.
Florian Schneider (flsc@econ.ku.dk) and Christina Gravert (cag@econ.ku.dk)
For practical questions, please contact Kamma Lind Halvorsen (klh@econ.ku.dk)