How to find us
Our postal address is Øster Farimagsgade 5, but if you arrive by taxi, you should ask for Gammeltoftsgade 19, as this is closest to our main building on campus, No. 26. See map of CSS campus.
From Copenhagen airport
From the airport take the train or metro to Nørreport Station.
From Nørreport Station
Bus lines from Nørreport Station: lines 14 and 37.
It takes about 10 minutes to walk from Nørreport Station. Take Gothersgade along the Botanic Garden - at the first traffic lights you reach Øster Farimagsgade - turn right and after 50 m you will find the campus main entrance on your left - entrance A and D. Alternatively, continue along Øster Farimagsgade to Gammeltoftsgade (first street on the left), and walk to the entrance at No. 19. See map.