The Liaison Committee

Pursuant to  § 5 in the Liaison Committee agreement, the committee is considering:
1. Goals, strategies and performance contracts
2. Personnel policies
3. Budgetary- and government contributions
4. Rationalization- and restructuring projects, and projects that entail choice of programmes, out-licensing and outsourcing
5. Skills development
6. Systematic follow-up on workplace assessment
7. The psychological work environment, including work-related stress
8. Employee satisfaction
9. Follow-up on absence due to sickness etc.
10. Violence and harassment
11. Jobs on special conditions

The members of the Liaison Committee: The Head of Department, the Head of Studies, the Head of Administration and five staff representatives appointed by the PhD scholars and the staff organizations entitled to negotiation. The Head of Department is appointed chairman and the vice-chairman is appointed among the staff representatives. The staff representatives are appointed for two years. Meetings are held twice a year.


Management representatives:

Head of Department: Henrik Hansen (chairman)
Head of Administration: Peter Flindt
Head of Studies: Thomas Markussen

Staff representatives:

Anders Milhøj (vice-chairman)
Peter Birch Sørensen
Malte Jacob Rattenborg
Lotte Hvidegaard
Pia Vestergaard


Peter Flindt