Course Requirements for Admission
Admission to the 5+3 programme is based on a successfully completed Master's degree in Economics or Mathematics-Economics from the University of Copenhagen (or equivalent). It is an additional admission requirement, not automatically satisfied by these two master's degrees, that the applicant must have completed at least one relevant advanced course within each core discipline of macroeconomics, microeconomics and econometrics.
The current, specific requirement for these advanced courses is that they must train the student to master technically advanced material in macroeconomics, microeconomics and econometrics. The applicant must provide proof of courses that are at least equivalent to the following Economics courses1 in each of the three areas:
- Advanced Macroeconomics Business Cycles
- Advanced Macroeconomics Heterogeneous Agent Models (new from fall 2022)
- Economic Growth
- The previous courses2
- Advanced Macroeconomics
- Monetary Policy
- Monetary Economics Macro Aspects (same content as Monetary Policy )
- Advanced Game Theory
- Mechanism Design
- Financial Markets Microstructure
- The previos course2
- Game Theory
- Advanced Empirical Finance: Topics and Data Science
- Advanced Financial and Macro Econometrics
- Advanced Macroeconomics Structural Vector Autoregressive Analysis
- Advanced Microeconometrics
- The previos course2
- Advanced Macroeconometrics
1. The content and term of the courses are described in the course catalogue.
2. The courses are discontinued from the course offering, but a passed course is the ever-qualifying.
Update: May 9, 2022