Price-setting in an Evolving Inflationary Environment

How firms set the prices of their goods has major implications for the propagation of business fluctuations and the effectiveness of public policies aimed at improving social welfare.

Emiliano Santoro and his project team will examine how firms have adapted their price-setting strategies in the aftermath of the Great Recession–intended as the marked decline in the economic activity of various advanced and developing countries in the late 2000s. Since the Great Recession, many countries have displayed unprecedented trends along various dimensions of price-setting.

Emiliano explains: "We will use novel, high-quality micro data on UK consumer goods prices to investigate how and to which extent these trends reflect changes in the business environment, and how fiscal and monetary policy should be tuned to face such changes. Examining these data is important in that the UK experience is likely to be generalized to other countries depending on both endogenous and exogenous circumstances that we plan to unveil."


Name Title Job responsibilities

Funded by:

Independent Research Fund Denmark

Price-setting in an Evolving Inflationary Environment has received a three year funding from Independent Research Foundation Denmark

Period:  June 2018 - June 2021


Principal investigator Emiliano Santoro. 

External members:

Name Title Phone E-mail
Lasse de la Porte Simonsen PhD fellow  E-mail
Ivan Petrella Associate professor E-mail
Omar Rachedi Economist, Banco de España E-mail