WinE-DK saw the light of day on the 20th of January 2020 when more than 30 female economists met to start a network for Women in Economics in Denmark. Our aim is to document gender differences in economics and find ways to reduce these differences. We do this by organizing events for our members as well as collaborating with other networks, such as WinE or the Nordic Female Economists Network.
Follow WinE-DK on twitter: #WinEdk
Women are underrepresented in academia, especially in tenured positions. In the last years, the literature shedding light on the reasons for this under-representation has grown steadily.
Read research on women in academia
Are you in search of fellow female researchers in economics? Or are you a journalist looking for new voices?
We have created a list of female economists with a PhD. The list is non-complete and we are happy to receive corrections.
WinE-DK is a collaboration between Economics departments at Danish Universities:
Lise Vesterlund (Uni. Of Pittsburgh): Gender imbalance in economics |
Sarah Smith (Uni. Of Bristol): What can departments do?: |
Expert panel: Introduced by Bente Stallknecht (UCPH) and moderated by Sigge Winther:
Politiken 14. marts 2021: Kønsbias i økonomi kræver selverkendelse af Birthe Larsen
Politiken: 7. marts 2021: Professor på Stanford: Økonomi er fjendtligt territorium for kvinder
Politiken: 7. marts 2021: Kønsulighed kan danske økonomer genkende problemet?
DM Akademikerbladet: Januar 2021: Flere kvinder i udvalg skaber ikke ligestilling
Forskerforum, december 2020: Kvinder tager oftere en for holdet
Politiken 10. oktober 2020: Vås Barsøe. Her er Frederiksens drømmehold af Birthe Larsen.
Politiken: 9. februar. 2020: Vi er trætte af kønsbias og manglende ligestilling i forskningsverdenen af Birthe Larsen og Meltem Daysal